Objective & Goals

Redesigning the Microsoft SharePoint site for the New York / New Jersey area Transportation Business Group, which consists of hundreds of Engineers, Marketing Professionals, and Project Managers working in the Transportation space in the New York and New Jersey area.


Existing SharePoint site:

  • Dark, uninviting theme

  • Low accessibility based on colors

  • Little, and outdated, information available

Card Sorting & MVP analysis

  • Understanding what pages, documents, forms, etc., to implement in “Phase 1” based on stake-holder’s must-haves

Site Mapping

  • Organization of “must-haves” from stakeholder

  • Information Architecture of the site

User Journey

  • Understanding how the user can find unhappy experiences during their experience utilizing the existing site


Proposed Wireframe (Option 1)

Proposed Wireframe (Option 2)

  • Stakeholder preferred this version based on MVP design elements

Proposed Design

Official launch of the Transportation Business Group SharePoint site


SharePoint analytics from first 30 days of official launch


As this project is still ongoing, there are a few things I can reflect on:

  • In a company as big as HDR, there are often specific things employees want, but an overall theme of making a website “better” is prevalent.

  • The shift for employees to utilize the new site is challenging and rewarding. There is a constant push to promote traction to the site, which is time consuming, but when someone references their use of the site, it is exciting!

  • Although SharePoint has its limitations, there are ways to make it less template-ish and more original.

In the upcoming weeks, months, etc., I will be monitoring the site for improvements and looking for ways to speak to employees about their feedback and usage of the site. My new goal is to direct any and all traffic to this site.